About me

Lucky to live in North Devon, just outside Bideford on a smallholding I have been teaching yoga for over 20 years and teach 8 regular classes a week, festivals in the summer.

I have been fortunate to study yoga with some wonderful teachers. A two year teacher training with Duncan Huilin at the Devon School of yoga and a British Wheel of Yoga pregnancy teacher training with Wendy Teasdill. Further yoga trainings include Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Rod Stryker, Tias Little and Doug Keller. Last year I did Pete Blackaby’s year long humanist course. This year I am doing his advanced teacher training course. I am also attending workshops on learning Trauma Release Exercises and I am now on my way to becoming a TRE provider.

I have been meditating for many years, going on retreats with Dr Shen Hongxi, B.K. Frantzis and Burgs amongst others.

I consistently have a daily practice, helping me benefit physically, while the guidance and insights of yoga and meditation also help me navigate the ups and downs of life. I now add TRE to my list of useful self help tools

As a smallholder, I love to be outside growing most of the fruit and vegetables my husband, Ranald, a local Chinese herbalist acupuncturist and our three children eat. I also enjoy playing tennis, walking, jogging. Some sea dipping when I feel brave and my body tells me a challenge could be useful!

Yoga in the family